Penetration systems for cables and for pipes through divisions of vessels - Part 3: Sleeve system, frames, detail standard; Text in German and English
German title
Durchführungssysteme für Kabel und für Rohre durch Trennflächen von Wasserfahrzeugen - Teil 3: Hülsensystem, Rahmen, Bauartnorm; Text Deutsch und Englisch
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Please get in touch with the relevant contact person at DIN if you have problems understanding the content of the standard or need advice on how to apply it.
Penetration systems for cables and for pipes through divisions of vessels - Part 4: Sleeve system, system components, detail standard; Text in German and English
Packing system for cables and for pipes penetrating divisions - Part 1: Overview, requirements for the overall system, generic standard; Text in German and English
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Glossary of definitions and terminology for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) phase III
Storage and keeping of other radioactive materials - Requirements on protection against radiation, fire and theft to be met by storage facilities and their installation rooms