Standard [CURRENT]
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This VG standard applies to fluids-hose saddles used on vessels in the span-wire method according to VG 85485-1 (Replenishment at sea - Span-wire method - Part 1: Synopsis) primarily on the combat support ship (German EGV). The fluids-hose saddle is presented in figures. The principal dimensions, the load bearing capacity and the manufacturing documents with materials are documented. The Technical Specification, including the required testing, shall be in accordance with VG 85493 Replenishment at sea - Equipment parts - Technical Specification). The "large derrick boom" procedure has been omitted. This standard has been prepared by the DIN Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT), Technical Committee NA 132-01-05 AA "Heben, Schleppen, Ankern" ("Heaving, towing, anchoring").
Cooperation at DIN