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Standard [CURRENT]

VG 85484:2015-11

Replenishment at sea - Wire high-line method with moveable high point; Text in German and English

German title
Versorgung in See - Draht-Hochleinen-Verfahren mit verfahrbarem Konterpunkt; Text Deutsch und Englisch
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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This standard applies to the wire high-line method with moveable high-point for use on frigates (classes 123 124, 125) and on logistic supplier vessel (EGV) (class 702). The use of the wire high-line method serves mainly for the transfer/acceptance of unit loads. An update of this VG standard of the 1993-05 edition was mandatory because so-called movable high-points were installed on the frigates, corvettes and logistic supplier vessels for the wire-high line method. The movable high-points are not the subject of this standard, but the schematic representation as a standard method with movable high-points. For the wire high-line method, ship-attached components and equipment parts are required for the receiving vessel. The equipment parts are belonging to the equipment sets defined in the relevant "Anlageblätter Ausstattungsanweisung der Bundeswehr (AnlBlAAN)" documents. The ship-attached components are dimensioned and arranged according to the construction specification of the vessel. The parts list of the equipment parts (number, designation, attributes, remarks) was compiled in a table. A second table documents the parts list for the on-board components. It should be noted, however, that for the replenishment method "wire high-line method", both the "transferring vessel" and the "receiving vessel" require appropriate ship-attached components and equipment parts. This VG standard applies in conjunction with VG 85482 "Replenishment at sea - Replenishment systems, procedures and methods - Terms and definitions, overview". This standard has been prepared by the DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology (NSMT), Working Committee NA 132-01-05 AA "Heben, Schleppen, Ankern" ("Heaving, towing, anchoring").

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