OENORM EN 302213 V 1.1.2:2004-03-01
Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks (SPAN) - Bearer Independant Call Control (BICC) Capability Set 2 (CS2) - Protocol specification [ITU-T Recommendations Q.1902.1, Q.1902.2, Q.1902.3, Q.1902.4, Q.1902.5, Q.1902.6, Q.765.5 Amendment 1, Q.1912.1, Q.1912.2, Q.1912.3, Q.1912.4, Q.1922.2, Q.1950, Q.1970, Q.1990, Q.2150.0, Q.2150.1, Q.2150.2, Q.2150.3, modified]
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