Water quality; calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics; part 2: calibration strategy for non-linear second order calibration functions
German title
Wasserbeschaffenheit; Kalibrierung und Auswertung analytischer Verfahren und Ermittlung von Verfahrenskenndaten; Teil 2: Kalibrierstrategie für nichtlineare Kalibrierfunktionen 2. Ordnung
Please get in touch with the relevant contact person at DIN if you have problems understanding the content of the standard or need advice on how to apply it.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - General information (group A) - Part 51: Calibration of analytical methods - Linear calibration (A 51)
Water quality - Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics - Part 2: Calibration strategy for non-linear second-order calibration functions
Measurement of asbestos in construction and demolition waste and recycling materials produced thereof - Sample preparation and analysis - Corrigendum 2 concerning standard VDI 3876:2018-11