ISO 7507-1:2003-12
Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks - Part 1: Strapping method
German title
Mineralöle und flüssige Mineralölerzeugnisse - Kalibrierung von stehenden zylindrischen Behältern - Teil 1: Strapping-Verfahren
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Content (en)
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Show subsection Close subsection Introduction
General precautions
Safety precautions
General requirements
Circumference measurements
Show subsection Close subsection Levels strapped
Strapping procedure
Repetition of measurement
Show subsection Close subsection Principle
Use of step-overs
Other measurements on tank shell plates
Show subsection Close subsection Plate and paint thickness
Heights of courses
Tank bottoms
Measurement of tilt
Floating-roof tanks
Computation of tank capacity tables — General rules
Form of tank capacity tables
Computation of open capacity
Show subsection Close subsection Corrections to measured circumferences
Show subsection Close subsection General
Double-sided obstructions
Single-sided obstructions
Plate and paint thickness
Systematic calculation
Construction of final tables
Show subsection Close subsection Deadwood
Tank bottoms
Floating-roof tanks — Additional calculations to be applied
Specification for equipment used in strapping (normative)
Show subsection Close subsection Strapping tape
Spring balance
Tape positioners and cords
Littlejohn grip
Recommendations for monitoring, checking and verification of tank calibration and capacity table (informative)
Show subsection Close subsection Introduction
Recalibration and recalculation
Criteria for deciding significance of change
Recalibration of the tank
Show subsection Close subsection Factors influencing the need for recalibration
Recommendations for assessment of the need for recalibration
Structural alterations to tanks
Recalculation of the tank capacity tables due to operational changes
Show subsection Close subsection Factors which generate a need for recalculation
Tank shell temperature
Density changes
Floating-roof corrections
Changes in dipping datum-point
Changes to tank deadwood
Tank calibration data and calculation sheet (informative)
Tank calibration uncertainties (informative)
Show subsection Close subsection Introduction
Source uncertainties
Show subsection Close subsection Strapping tape length
Strapping tape reading
Strapping tape tension and position
Uncertainties of tape alignment
Uncertainties of obstructions
Uncertainties of internal circumference at calibration conditions
Show subsection Close subsection Measured external circumference
Uncertainties of volume at calibration conditions (extended raw volume)
Show subsection Close subsection Source uncertainties
Uncertainty of course averaging
Uncertainty of tank shape
Uncertainty of tank tilt
Tank bottom
Uncertainty due to floating roof/screen and deadwood
Additional uncertainties
Uncertainties of metal and paint thickness
Internal circumference
Internal radius
Internal cross-sectional area
Raw volume
Tank tables
Expanded uncertainty of volume at calibration conditions
Uncertainties of volume at reference conditions
Show subsection Close subsection Source uncertainties
Measurements and calculations
Deformation due to hydrostatic head at reference conditions
Correction for thermal expansion of tank and strapping tape at reference conditions
Additional hydrostatic uncertainties
Expanded uncertainty of volume in the tank capacity table
Tank shell temperature determination (informative)
Show subsection Close subsection General
Determination of the tank shell temperature
Simplified equation for tank shell temperature
Gauge tape temperature correction (normative)
Show subsection Close subsection Introduction
Calculation procedures
Show subsection Close subsection General
Tanks with no insulation
Tanks with insulation
Tanks with non-contact and non-invasive automatic tank gauging (ATG) systems
Expansion due to liquid head (informative)
Show subsection Close subsection General
Removal of the effect of expansion at time of strapping
Addition of effects of expansion in service
Example of computation of allowances for expansion under head of liquid
Show subsection Close subsection Calibration by strapping
Removal of the effect of expansion at time of measurement
Addition of the effects of expansion in service
Expansion due to temperature (normative)
Show subsection Close subsection Introduction
Preparation of tank capacity tables at any standard temperature of certification
Correction to be applied to volumes obtained from tank capacity tables certified at a standard temperature T
Show subsection Close subsection Principle
Tanks with thermally insulated shells
Tanks without thermal insulation
Certificate of calibration (normative)
Cooperation at DIN
Please get in touch with the relevant contact person at DIN if you have problems understanding the content of the standard or need advice on how to apply it.
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