ISO 4954:2018-07
Steels for cold heading and cold extruding
German title
Stähle zum Kaltstauch- und Kaltfließpressen
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Content (en)
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Classification and designation
Show subsection Close subsection Classification
Information to be supplied by the purchaser
Show subsection Close subsection Mandatory information
Options and/or supplementary or special requirements
Ordering example
Manufacturing process
Show subsection Close subsection General
Heat-treatment condition and surface condition at delivery
Show subsection Close subsection Heat-treatment condition
Particular surface conditions
Traceability of the cast
Statistical evaluation
Show subsection Close subsection Chemical composition, mechanical properties and hardenability
Show subsection Close subsection General
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
Hardenability (only applicable to steel grades of Annexes B and C)
Grain size
Carbide spheroidization (only applicable for steels of Annexes A, B and C)
Non-metallic inclusions
Show subsection Close subsection Microscopic inclusions (only applicable for steels of Annexes B and C)
Macroscopic inclusions
Internal soundness
Aptitude to cold forming
Surface quality
Show subsection Close subsection General
Wire rod (only applicable for steels of Annexes A, B and C)
Bars (only applicable for steels of Annexes A, B and C)
Wire rod and bars for stainless steels (only applicable for steels of Annex D)
Bright products
Removal of surface defects
Non-destructive testing of the surface
Decarburization (only applicable for steels of Annexes B and C)
Corrosion resistance of stainless steels
Shape, dimensions and tolerances
Show subsection Close subsection Testing procedures and types of documents
Summary of specific inspection and frequency of testing
Preparation of samples and test pieces
Show subsection Close subsection Selection and preparation of samples for product analysis
Selection and preparation of samples and test pieces for the mechanical test
Test methods
Show subsection Close subsection Chemical analysis
Mechanical tests
Hardenability and core hardness tests
Show subsection Close subsection Verification of hardenability
Verification of core hardness
Aptitude to cold forming
Show subsection Close subsection Upsetting test for non-alloy and alloy steels of Annexes A, B and C
Upsetting test for stainless steels of Annex D
Non-destructive testing
Visual and dimensional test
Surface treatment, marking and packaging
Show subsection Close subsection Surface treatment and temporary corrosion protection
Specific requirements for cold heading and cold extruding steels not intended for heat treatment after cold working (normative)
Specific requirements for cold heading and cold extruding case-hardening steels (normative)
Specific requirements for cold heading and cold extruding steels for quenching and tempering (normative)
Specific requirements for cold heading and cold extruding stainless steels (normative)
Supplementary or special requirements (normative)
Show subsection Close subsection General
Fine grain steel
Show subsection Close subsection General
Case hardening steels (Annex B)
Steels for quenching and tempering (Annex C)
Carbide spheroidization
Non-metallic inclusion content
Maximum depth of surface discontinuities
Special limits for decarburization and testing for decarburization
Corrosion resistance of stainless steel products
Designation of steels given in Annexes A, B, C and D and the comparable grades covered in various designation systems (informative)
Cooperation at DIN
Please get in touch with the relevant contact person at DIN if you have problems understanding the content of the standard or need advice on how to apply it.
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