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Content (en)
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Preliminary remarks
Measurement units
Reference to the ISO 230 series
Consideration of relative measurements
Reference to
Testing sequence
Tests to be performed
Measuring instruments
Alphabetic characters used for the E error expressions
Error direction
Software compensation
Axes not under test
Machine configurations
Geometric tests
Straightness errors of linear motions
Angular errors of linear motions
Squareness errors between linear motions
Horizontal non-rotating tables
Tables rotating around a vertical C’-axis
Tables rotating around a vertical C’-axis and tilting around a horizontal A’-axis
Tests for rotary tables tilting around the A’-axis
Tests for the A’-axis tilting from –90° to +90°
Tests for the A’-axis tilting from –90° to 0°
Tests for the A’-axis tilting from 0° to +90°
Tables rotating around a vertical C’-axis and tilting around a horizontal B’-axis
Tests for rotary tables tilting around the B’-axis
Tests for the B’-axis tilting from –90° to +90°
Tests for the B’-axis tilting from –90° to 0°
Tests for the B’-axis tilting from 0° to +90°
Tests for error motions of tool holding spindle and work holding rotary table axes related to Clauses 7, 8 and 9 (informative)
Error motions of the tool holding spindle (C) axis
Error motions of the C’-axis (table rotation)
Tests for error motions of axes of rotation of tables rotating around a vertical C’-axis and tilting around a horizontal A’-axis related to Clause 8 (informative)
Tests for error motions of axes of rotation of tables rotating around a vertical C’-axis and tilting around a horizontal B’-axis related to Clause 9 (informative)
Please get in touch with the relevant contact person at DIN if you have problems understanding the content of the standard or need advice on how to apply it.