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DIN ISO 6292:2013-10

Powered industrial trucks and tractors - Brake performance and component strength (ISO 6292:2008)

German title
Kraftbetriebene Flurförderzeuge und Schlepper - Bremsleistung und Komponentenfestigkeit (ISO 6292:2008)
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This International Standard specifies performance, test methods, controls, control forces and component strength for brake systems fitted to - powered industrial trucks of all capacities, - industrial tractors with rated capacities up to and including 20 000 N drawbar pull, - burden carriers, and - industrial trucks handling freight containers, as defined in ISO 5053. Loss of electrical power and loss of any other form of power assistance is not covered by this International Standard. Braking used in emergency situations (for example, activating the emergency switch or control system shut down) is not covered in this standard. This International Standard only includes requirements for newly manufactured trucks. This standard contains the German version of ISO 6292:2008 which has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 110/SC 2 "Safety of powered industrial trucks" at the International Committee for Standardization (ISO). The national interests were represented by Committee NA 060-22-42 AA "Sicherheit von Flurförderzeugen" ("Safety of powered industrial trucks") at Technical Section "Fördertechnik" ("Conveying technology") of the Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of the manufacturers and users of industrial trucks, and of the employers' liability insurance associations contributed to this standard.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 6292:2022-07 .

Cooperation at DIN

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