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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 4395:2011-05

Fluid power systems and components - Cylinder piston rod end types and dimensions (ISO 4395:2009 + Cor. 1:2010)

German title
Fluidtechnik - Zylinder-Kolbenstangenenden, Ausführungen und Maße (ISO 4395:2009 + Cor. 1:2010)
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This International Standard establishes a basic series for piston rod end types for application on cylinders used in hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems. It specifies thread dimensions and configurations for use with hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder piston rod ends, as well as the dimensions of wrench flats and hook wrench holes that are sometimes necessary for the assembly of the cylinder piston rod's threaded end to accessories. This standard contains the German version of ISO 4395:2009, which has been prepared in connection with Amendment 1:2009 by Technical Committee ISO/TC 131 "Fluid power systems". The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN ISO 4395:1985-10: a) separate clauses dealing with types and dimensions for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder piston rod ends have been included; b) types and dimensions for wrench flats and hook wrench holes for hydraulic cylinder piston rod ends have been added. The national interests during the preparation are represented by Committee NA 060-36-30 AA "Hydrozylinder" ("Hydraulic cylinders") and Committee NA 060-36-21 AA "Pneumatik" ("Pneumatics") at Technical Section "Fluidtechnik" ("Fluid power systems") of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, as well as representatives of professional and trade associations were involved in the preparation of the standard.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 4395:1985-10 .

Cooperation at DIN

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