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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 3320:2016-01

Fluid power systems and components - Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios - Metric series (ISO 3320:2013)

German title
Fluidtechnik - Durchmesser von Zylinderbohrungen und Kolbenstangen sowie Flächenverhältnisse - Metrische Reihe (ISO 3320:2013)
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This International Standard establishes a metric series of cylinder bores and piston rod diameters for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, and it specifies for each pair of diameters a corresponding standard ratio between the useful areas. This International Standard applies only to the dimensional criteria of products manufactured in conformity with this International Standard; it does not apply to their functional characteristics. This standard contains the German version of ISO 3320:2013 prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 131/SC 3 "Cylinders". This standard differs from DIN ISO 3320:2001-08 as follows: a) The cylinder bore AL = 60 mm has been deleted (Table 2). b) The piston rod diameters MM (30), (60), 400 and 450 mm have been added, (120 mm) has been deleted (Table 3). c) Table 4, area ratio of cylinder and piston rod diameters, has been taken from DIN ISO 7181 and the area ratio has been added. The national interests during the preparation are represented by Committee NA 060-36-30 AA "Hydrozylinder" ("Hydraulic cylinders") at Technical Section "Fluidtechnik" ("Fluid power systems") at DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM). Representatives of manufacturers and users of hydraulic cylinders are involved in the preparation.

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