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DIN ISO 16063-43:2016-11

Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Part 43: Calibration of accelerometers by model-based parameter identification (ISO 16063-43:2015)

German title
Verfahren zur Kalibrierung von Schwingungs- und Stoßaufnehmern - Teil 43: Kalibrierung von Beschleunigungsaufnehmern durch modellgestützte Parameteridentifikation (ISO 16063-43:2015)
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This part of ISO 16063 specifies terms and methods on the estimation of parameters used in mathematical models describing the input/output characteristics of vibration transducers, together with the respective parameter uncertainties. The purpose of the transfer property described in this part of ISO 16063 is to improve the quality of calibrations and measurements of broadband or transient input signals, such as shocks. The procedure consists of describing an accelerometer by a mathematical model as a dynamic system with a mechanical input and an electrical output. The complete model with the quantified parameters can be used to either calculate the transfer function of the transducer for any transient input signals in the time domain, or to approximate the unknown transient input signal of the transducer from the measured time history of the output signal. International Standard ISO 16063-43:2015 in the corrected version 2016-7-15 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 108 "Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring", Subcommittee SC 3 "Use and calibration of vibration and shock measuring instruments", the secretariat of which is held by DS (Denmark), under German project management. German collaboration has been provided by Working Committee NA 001-03-02 (NALS/VDI C 2) "Schwingungsmesstechnik" ("Vibration measuring techniques") of Standards Committee Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering (NALS) at DIN and VDI.


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