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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 16000-37:2019-05

Indoor air - Part 37: Measurement of PM2,5 mass concentration (ISO 16000-37:2019)

German title
Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Teil 37: Messung der PM2,5-Massenkonzentration (ISO 16000-37:2019)
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Short description
Airborne particulate matter (colloquially known as "fine dust") plays a role not only outdoors, but is also significant in terms of hygiene, especially indoors. People in industrialized countries spend most of the day indoors. Either particles are transported into indoor air from outdoor environments or the particles directly result from indoor sources like smoking, residential wood burning, cooking etc. PM2,5 concentration and composition in indoor environments strongly depend on parameters such as the room size, relative humidity, air exchange rate, airflow conditions, and sink effects on surfaces (e. g. walls, ceilings, floor coverings, furnishings). In addition, particles already sedimented are temporarily resuspended to the air through various activities, and can be inhaled. All this can result in highly variable levels of indoor PM2,5 pollution that are not easily ascertained or assessed in terms of their impacts on health. This International Standard document describes the general strategies for the measurement of indoor PM2,5 concentration. This document was prepared in response to the need for improved comparability of methods for particle measurement.

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