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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN ISO 16000-28:2012-12

Indoor air - Part 28: Determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers (ISO 16000-28:2012)

German title
Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Teil 28: Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffemissionen aus Bauprodukten mit einer Emissionsprüfkammer (ISO 16000-28:2012)
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Short description
This part of ISO 16000 specifies a laboratory test method to measure the odour emission from newly produced building products using a sensory odour panel. The odour characteristics addressed in this standard are the acceptability and the perceived intensity. It depends on the measurement task whether the acceptability, perceived intensity or hedonic or a combination or both characteristics shall be determined. The method can also be used for building furnishings (i.e. wall and floor coverings, furniture, paints, etc.) and is also applicable to aged products. The determination of odour acceptability, intensity and hedonic tone, and intensity of emissions from building products using test chambers has objectives such as: - to provide manufacturers, builders, and end users with data useful for the evaluation of the odour impact of building products on the indoor air quality; - to promote the development of improved products.

This part of DIN ISO 16000 provides instructions for the testing of odour emissions from building products using panel members for odour assessment. The odour characteristics addressed in this standard are the acceptability and the perceived intensity. Depending on the measurement task, the acceptability, perceived intensity or both characteristics shall be determined. This method can also be used for building furnishings (amongst others, wall and floor coverings, furniture, paints, etcetera) and is also suitable for aged products. The determination of odour acceptability, intensity and hedonic tone, and intensity of emissions from building products using test chambers has objectives such as: - to provide manufacturers, builders, and end users with data useful for the evaluation of the odour impact of building products on the indoor air quality; - to promote the development of improved products. The document is directed at representatives of testing facilities, supervisory authorities, professional associations and planning/architectural offices as well as representatives of interior designers, the building industry, the paint industry, the adhesives industry or other branches producing items for the interior. The International Standard has been prepared by ISO/TC 146/SC 6 "Indoor air" in Working Group 14 "Sensory assessment of building materials and products", the chairmanship and secretariat are held by DIN. The responsible German committee is NA 134-04-04-16-01 AK "Sensorische Prüfung" ("Sensory testing").

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 16000-28:2021-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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