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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN ISO 16000-24:2013-01

Indoor air - Part 24: Performance test for evaluating the reduction of volatile organic compound (except formaldehyde) concentrations by sorptive building materials (ISO 16000-24:2009)

German title
Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Teil 24: Leistungsprüfung zur Beurteilung der Konzentrationsminderung von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (ohne Formaldehyd) durch sorbierende Baumaterialien (ISO 16000-24:2009)
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Short description
Sorptive building materials have been marketed in the form of sheet and board products for removing airborne pollutants in indoor air via physical sorption or chemical reaction. This part of ISO 16000 specifies a general laboratory test method for evaluating the concentration reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds (without formaldehyde) by sorptive building materials. The sorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds (without formaldehyde) may be brought about by adsorption, absorption and chemisorptions. This part of ISO 16000 can be applied to most sorptive building materials used indoors and for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds (without formaldehyde). This method applies to boards, wallpapers, carpets, paint products, and other building materials.

Sorptive building materials are largely marketed in the form of sheet and board products for removing airborne pollutants via physical or chemical reaction. Standardized test methods for evaluating sorptive effects are important for comparative assessment of the performance of sorptive building materials that are used for reducing levels of indoor air contaminants. It is necessary to establish an economically sensible relationship between the test method and the design for the test. This standard specifies a general laboratory test method for evaluating the reduction in concentration of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds, except formaldehyde, by sorptive building materials. The sorption of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds, except formaldehyde, can be brought about by adsorption, absorption or chemisorption. The performance for reducing the concentration of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds, except formaldehyde, in indoor air, is evaluated by measuring sorption flux and saturation mass per area. The former directly indicates performance at a point in time; the latter relates to the ability to maintain that performance. The standard is based on the test chamber method specified in DIN EN ISO 16000-9. It can be applied to most sorptive building materials used indoors and for volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds, excluding formaldehyde. The method applies to boards, wallpapers, carpets, paint products, and other building materials. The aim is to provide manufacturers, building owners and end users with emission data which are useful for the evaluation of the influence of the building products on indoor air as well as to provide assistance for the development of improved products. The document is directed at representatives of supervisory authorities, testing laboratories, professional associations and planning offices as well as representatives of interior designers, the furniture industry, the building industry, the paint industry, the adhesives industry, the automotive industry or other branches producing items for the interior. This International Standard has been prepared by WG 11 "Testing of sorption capacity" at ISO/TC 146/SC 6, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. The responsible German committee is Working Group NA 134-04-04-01-06 AK of the KRdL.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 16000-24:2019-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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