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DIN ISO 15592-3:2011-07

Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it - Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis - Part 3: Determination of total particulate matter of smoking articles using a routine analytical smoking machine, preparation for the determination of water and nicotine, and calculation of nicotine-free dry particulate matter (ISO 15592-3:2008)

German title
Feinschnitt-Tabak und dessen Erzeugnisse - Verfahren zur Probenahme, zum Konditionieren und zur Untersuchung - Teil 3: Bestimmung des Rohkondensats von Rauchwaren unter Verwendung einer Abrauchmaschine für Routineanalysen, Vorbereitung für die Bestimmung des Wassers und Nikotins und Berechnung des nikotinfreien Trockenkondensats (ISO 15592-3:2008)
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This part of ISO 15592 specifies methods for the determination of total particulate matter and preparation for the subsequent determination of nicotine-free dry particulate matter present in the smoke from articles made from fine-cut tobacco, generated and collected using a routine analytical smoking machine. It specifies the method for the classification of unknown wrappers by comparison of fine-cut smoking articles made using them with those made using a standard wrapper. It specifies the method of making of fine-cut tobacco smoking articles using specified wrappers both with and without attached filters, and the method of determination of the yield of a fine-cut smoking article made using a loose filter and tobacco inserted into a wrapper. Smokers make smoking articles by enclosing fine-cut tobacco in a suitable wrapper (sometimes incorporating a filter) either by hand or by using a rolling/tubing machine. The CORESTA work and the scientific literature have shown that the quantity of tobacco, the type of wrapper chosen and the size of the articles made vary widely between consumers and between countries and even by the same consumer throughout the day. A wide variation of wrappers is available throughout the world and in some countries premade filter tubes are sold in combination with the tobacco. When the article is smoked, the yield of tar and nicotine is determined by the construction of the article. This part of ISO 15592 has been developed to specify how articles are made in the laboratory, how they are smoked and how information relevant to a fine-cut tobacco sample can be given to the consumer. Fine-cut smoking articles made by consumers may therefore differ from the fine-cut smoking articles made for the purpose of testing described in this part of ISO 15592. Four smoking articles are made using two masses of tobacco and two standard wrappers with different properties. When these articles are smoked using a routine analytical smoking machine, the resultant data give a matrix of four points offering an indication of how the choice of wrapper and tobacco mass alter the tar and nicotine yields from the tobacco sample. A comparison of yields by choice of the same parameters of the matrix can provide a means of ranking brands. It should be noted that because the use of fine-cut tobacco is so dependent on the way in which an individual makes a smoking article, a comparison of the smoke yield of any one of the matrix points with the single result from factory-manufactured cigarettes according to ISO 4387 is of limited value. This part of ISO 15592 also gives further necessary procedures as follows: a classification could be necessary for a wrapper of unknown properties; this classification is made according to Annex C. Fine-cut tobacco is sometimes sold with a statement that it may be used with a specified wrapper with or without a filter. The appropriate measurements are made according to Annex D. A loose filter is incorporated in some fine-cut smoking articles at the time of making. The effect of the filter is determined according to Annex E. ISO/TC 126/WG 7, which included experts both from the tobacco industry and from regulatory laboratories, was responsible for the planning, conduct and analysis of the data from a collaborative study by 20 laboratories to determine the repeatability and reproducibility of the method specified in this part of ISO 15592. The fine-cut tobacco is sampled and conditioned prior to article manufacture. Using a laboratory making device, four types of FCSAs (FCSAs = fine-cut smoking articles) are made, using two designs each with two different wrapper types. The FCSAs are conditioned. The FCSAs are smoked by a routine analytical smoking machine, with simultaneous collection of the total particulate matter in a glass fibre filter trap. If considered necessary, the consistency of the laboratory smoking process and subsequent analytical procedures are checked by using monitor test pieces specified in ISO 16055. The mass of total particulate matter so collected is determined gravimetrically. The total particulate matter from the trap is extracted for the determination of the water and nicotine contents by gas chromatography. With respect to DIN 15592-3:2005-05, the determination of standard tube mass and the preparation and selection of the FCSAs for test have been described more precisely. Special precautions relating to conditioning and storage conditions for the smoking articles have been specified and the standard has been technically and editorially revised, supplemented and brought in line with the current rules of presentation. NA 057-04-01 AA "Tabak und Tabakerzeugnisse" ("Tobacco and tobacco products") is responsible for the standard at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 15592-3:2005-05 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN ISO 15592-3:2024-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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