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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN ISO 13643-3:2015-10

Ships and marine technology - Manoeuvring of ships - Part 3: Yaw stability and steering (ISO 13643-3:2013)

German title
Schiffe und Meerestechnik - Manövrieren von Schiffen - Teil 3: Gierstabilität und Steuern (ISO 13643-3:2013)
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This standard has been prepared on the basis of the standards DIN 81208-3, -7, -9, -10, -11 and -14. In order to avoid confusion and to work internationally on the same basis, the committee has decided to adopt the ISO standard ISO 13643-4 in the German body of standards and to replace the standards DIN 81208-3, -7, -9, -10, -11 and -14 by them. The definitions, symbols and test conditions contained in this standard are the test-related physical quantities which shall be used for the description and for the determination of certain manoeuvring characteristics. The pull-out test, astern test, sine test, reverse spiral test (according to Bech) and direct spiral test (according to Dieudonné) and weave test with surface ships, submarines, and models are described.


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