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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 12219-8:2019-01

Interior air of road vehicles - Part 8: Handling and packaging of materials and components for emission testing (ISO 12219-8:2018)

German title
Innenraumluft von Straßenfahrzeugen - Teil 8: Handhabung und Verpacken von Materialien und Komponenten für Emissionsprüfungen (ISO 12219-8:2018)
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Short description
Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) are widely used in industry and may be emitted by many everyday products and materials. They have attracted attention in recent years because of their impact on indoor air quality. After homes and workplaces, people spend a lot of time in their vehicles. It is important to determine the material emissions of interior parts and to reduce them to an acceptable level, if required. Therefore, it is necessary to get comprehensive and reliable information about the types of organic compounds in the indoor air of vehicles and their concentrations. Contamination of the materials and/or rapid volatilization of emissions may influence the results of the measurements. So it is necessary to know these effects in order to achieve repeatable and accurate test results. ISO 12219-8 should be used as guide for producers and testing laboratories for the selection, preparation, conditioning, packaging, labelling, transportation and storage of materials.
13.040.20, 43.020

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