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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 8510-2:2010-12

Adhesives - Peel test for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid test specimen assembly - Part 2: 180 degree peel (ISO 8510-2:2006); German version EN ISO 8510-2:2010

German title
Klebstoffe - Schälprüfung für flexibel/starr geklebte Proben - Teil 2: 180-Grad-Schälversuch (ISO 8510-2:2006); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 8510-2:2010
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DIN EN ISO 8510-2 describes a 180° peel test for the determination, under specified conditions, of the peel resistance of a bonded assembly of two adherends where one adherend is flexible and the other is rigid. A 90° peel test, more suitable for use with less flexible adherends that crack, break or delaminate in the 180° peel test, is described in ISO 8510-1. A bonded assembly of two adherends is prepared using the adhesive under test. The adherends are then pulled apart at a substantially steady rate, starting at the open end of the bond, in such a way that separation occurs progressively along the length of the bonded adherends. The force is applied substantially parallel to the plane of the bond, through the separated part of the flexible adherend. The test standard addresses the manufacturers and users of structural adhesives and independent test laboratories. It replaces DIN EN 28510-2:1993. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-04-55 AA "Prüfung von Konstruktionsklebstoffen, -klebverbindungen und Kernverbunden" ("Testing of structural adhesives, structural adhesive bondings and sandwiches") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 28510-2:1993-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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