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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 734:2016-05

Oilseed meals - Determination of oil content - Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum) (ISO 734:2015); German version EN ISO 734:2015

German title
Ölsamenschrote - Bestimmung des Ölgehaltes - Extraktionsverfahren mit Hexan (oder Petrolether) (ISO 734:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 734:2015
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This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the hexane extract (or lightpetroleum extract), called "oil content", of meals (excluding compounded products) obtained by the extraction of oil from oilseeds by pressure or solvents. A method for the determination of the oil content of oilseeds has been specified in ISO 659. It is therefore necessary to provide for control of oil production by establishing a reference method for the determination of the oil content of oilseed meals in the same way. The International Standard has been prepared in ISO/TC 34/SC 2 "Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals" (secretariat: AFNOR, France). The responsible body for the European Standard is CEN/TC 307 "Oil seeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products - Methods of sampling and analysis" (secretariat: AFNOR, France). On the national level, the standard is supervised by NA 057-05-05 AA "Gemeinschaftsausschuss für die Analytik von fetten, Ölen und Fettprodukten, verwandten Stoffen und Rohstoffen " (GA Fett) of the German Society for Fat Science (DGF) ("Joint committee for the analysis of fats, oils and products thereof, related and primary products") and DIN Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products (NAL).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 734-1:2007-02 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 734:2023-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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