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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 6383-1:2016-05

Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of tear resistance - Part 1: Trouser tear method (ISO 6383-1:2015); German version EN ISO 6383-1:2015

German title
Kunststoffe - Folien und Bahnen - Bestimmung der Reißfestigkeit - Teil 1: Hosenreiß-Verfahren (ISO 6383-1:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 6383-1:2015
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This part of the International Standard ISO 6393 specifies a method of determining the tear resistance of plastic film or sheet less than 1 mm thick, in the form of standard trouser-shaped test specimens, tested under defined conditions of pre-treatment, temperature, humidity, and speed of testing. The method is applicable to film and sheeting of both flexible and rigid materials, provided that the material is not so rigid that brittle fracture occurs during the test, or so deformable, in an irreversible way, that the energy used in the deformation of the specimen legs is significant (that is, not negligible) with respect to the energy used in tearing. The method may not be suitable for determining the tear properties of cellular sheet and film. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 054-04-04 AA "Kunststoff-Folien und kunststoffbeschichtete Flächengebilde (Kunstleder); allgemeine Eigenschaften" ("Plastic films and plastics-coated fabrics (artificial leather); general characteristics") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 6383-1:2004-10 .

Cooperation at DIN

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