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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 3656:2017-08

Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific UV extinction (ISO 3656:2011 + Amd 1:2017); German version EN ISO 3656:2011 + A1:2017

German title
Tierische und pflanzliche Fette und Öle - Bestimmung der Ultraviolett-Absorption, ausgedrückt als spezifische UV-Extinktion (ISO 3656:2011 + Amd 1:2017); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 3656:2011 + A1:2017
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DIN EN ISO 3656 specifies a method for the determination of the absorbance at ultraviolet wavelengths of animal and vegetable fats and oils. This document contains, without change, International Standard ISO 3656:2011 including Amendment 1:2017, prepared by ISO/TC 34 "Food products" (secretariat: AFNOR, France), Subcommittee SC 11 "Animal and vegetable fats and oils" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom). Based on the decision of CEN/TC 307 "Oilseeds, animal and vegetable fats and oils and their by-products - Methods of sampling and analysis" (secretariat: AFNOR, France), ISO 29841:2009 has been adopted as a European Standard in the parallel voting procedure. Amendment 1:2016 was voted in parallel within the scope of the Vienna Agreement. This amendment includes, among other things, the note that milk and dairy products (or fat obtained from milk and dairy products) are excluded from the scope of this standard. The Normative References clause has been revised and Clause 3 Terms and Definitions added. In addition, a correction for the concentration units given in Subclause 6.3.3 and a statement warning of possible hazards when these chemicals are used have been included. Furthermore, the description of the samples for the interlaboratory comparison in Annex A has been included and the bibliography has been added. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 057-05-05 AA "Gemeinschaftsausschuss für die Analytik von Fetten, Ölen, Fettprodukten, verwandten Stoffen und Rohstoffen" (GA Fett) of the German Society for Fat Science (DGF) ("Joint committee for the analysis of fats, oils and products thereof, related and primary products") and of DIN Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products (NAL).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 3656:2011-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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