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DIN EN ISO 3095:2014-07

Acoustics - Railway applications - Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles (ISO 3095:2013); German version EN ISO 3095:2013

German title
Akustik - Bahnanwendungen - Messung der Geräuschemission von spurgebundenen Fahrzeugen (ISO 3095:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 3095:2013
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Exterior noise of railway vehicles is produced both along open track as well as in shunting yards or stations. They are emitted by numerous single sources and are very much dependent from the operating mode as well as the environmental conditions. This standard serves for the measurement of noise emission of railway vehicles and is applicable for type testing or comparison as well as for the collection of source data for other purposes. For this purpose, the influences of the track, for example, the track superstructure, bridges, curves or track-bound warning devices as well as warning horns are not taken into account. Therefore this standard is not applicable for the noise immission or environmental impact assessment. This standard describes a method of engineering grade for measurement of the noise emitted from railway vehicles or rail bound vehicles during the train journey or when stationary. Measured quantities are A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure levels for pass-by events of entire trains or of train sections with constant speed, standstill- and starting noises as well as the AF-weighted maximum sound pressure level for acceleration and decelerating tests. Furthermore, measurements of frequency spectra and of impulsive and/or tonal noise/s are described. This European Standard serves to meet the EC Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC on the interoperability of the trans-European rail system and the associated Technical Specifications on interoperability (TSI). The underlying European draft standard has been prepared by Working Group WG 3 "Noise emission" of CEN/TC 256 "Railway applications". ISO/TC 43/SC 1 "Noise" has been involved in a parallel procedure on the international level. Regarding the German collaboration, Subcommittee UA 1 "Rail vehicles - Characteristics" of NALS Working Committee NA 001-01-05 AA "Geräuschemissionsmessungen an Fahrzeugen einschließlich Messungen im Fahrgastraum und am Arbeitsplatz" ("Measurement of sound exposition on vehicles, including measurements inside the passenger compartment and at the workplace") was responsible.

17.140.30, 45.060.01
Replacement amendments

Corrected edition: Corrected document: Customers who purchased the previous document DIN EN ISO 3095:2013-12 received free of charge

Cooperation at DIN

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