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DIN EN ISO 294-5:2013-04

Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials - Part 5: Preparation of standard specimens for investigating anisotropy (ISO 294-5:2011); German version EN ISO 294-5:2013

German title
Kunststoffe - Spritzgießen von Probekörpern aus Thermoplasten - Teil 5: Herstellung von Standardprobekörpern zur Ermittlung der Anisotropie (ISO 294-5:2011); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 294-5:2013
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This part of ISO 294 specifies a two-cavity mould (designated the type F ISO mould) for the injection moulding of 80 mm×90 mm plates with a preferred thickness of 2 mm for single-point data acquisition because 2 mm has been found to provide the maximum anisotropic properties, with only a slight sensitivity to the rate of injection. For the design of plastic parts, this will provide upper and lower bounds for the tensile properties. Matching the plate thickness to a given part thickness is not a suitable criterion because of the effect of mould filling rate and part geometry on anisotropy. Suitable test specimens [ISO 527-2 type 1BA tensile test specimens or type 1 (80 mm×10 mm) bars] are then machined or die-cut from the plates and used to obtain information on the anisotropy of thermoplastic parts. In the injection moulding of thermoplastic materials, the flow of molten polymer may influence the orientation of fillers such as fibreglass or the orientation of polymer chains. This can result in anisotropic behaviour. The knowledge of anisotropic behaviour is valuable in designing plastic parts. For the purposes of this part of ISO 294, the flow direction is defined as the direction from the gate to the far end of the mould cavity, and the cross direction as the direction perpendicular to the flow direction. The International Standard ISO 294-5:2011 has been prepared by ISO/TC 61/SC 2 "Mechanical properties" (secretariat: AENOR, Spain). CEN/TC 249 "Plastics", the secretariat of which is held by NBN (Belgium), is responsible for the European Standard. On the national level, Working Committee NA 054-01-02 AA "Mechanische Eigenschaften und Probekörperherstellung" ("Mechanical properties and preparation of test specimens") of FNK is responsible for the standard.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 294-5:2018-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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