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DIN EN ISO 2692:2015-12

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Maximum material requirement (MMR), least material requirement (LMR) and reciprocity requirement (RPR) (ISO 2692:2014); German version EN ISO 2692:2014

German title
Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - Geometrische Tolerierung - Maximum-Material-Bedingung (MMR), Minimum-Material-Bedingung (LMR) und Reziprozitätsbedingung (RPR) (ISO 2692:2014); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 2692:2014
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This International Standard defines the maximum material requirement, the least material requirement and the reciprocity requirement. These requirements can only be applied to features of size. These requirements are used to control specific functions of workpieces where size and geometry are interdependent, for example to fulfil the functions "assembly of parts" (for maximum material requirement) or "minimum wall thickness" (for least material requirement). However, the maximum material requirement and least material requirement are also used to fulfil other functional design requirements. Considering this interdependence between size and geometry, the principle of independency defined in ISO 8015 does not apply when the maximum material requirement, least material requirement, or reciprocity requirement, are used. This International Standard is a geometrical product specification (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO/TR 14638). It influences the chain links 1, 2 and 3 of the chain of standards on size of linear "features of size" and form of a line (independent/dependent of a datum), form of a surface (independent/dependent of a datum), orientation and location of derived features based on "features of size" and datums also based on "features of size". The ISO GPS Masterplan given in ISO/TR 14638 gives an overview of the ISO GPS system of which this document is a part. The fundamental rules of ISO GPS given in ISO 8015 apply to this document and the default decision rules given in ISO 14253-1 apply to specifications made in accordance with this document, unless otherwise indicated. This document (EN ISO 2692:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 213 "Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 290 "Dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification" (secretariat: AFNOR, France). The responsible German body is Working Committee NA 152-03-02 AA "CEN/ISO Geometrische Produktspezifikation und -prüfung" of the DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals (NATG).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 2692:2007-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 2692:2022-08 .

Cooperation at DIN

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