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DIN EN ISO 23537-2:2017-02

Requirements for sleeping bags - Part 2: Fabric and material properties (ISO 23537-2:2016); German version EN ISO 23537-2:2016

German title
Anforderungen an Schlafsäcke - Teil 2: Gewebe- und Werkstoffeigenschaften (ISO 23537-2:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 23537-2:2016
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This is the first edition of this part of ISO 23537. It is based on the further development of the European Standard EN 13537. This International Standard consists of two parts that allow separate assessment of thermal properties and material properties. This separation of parts also enables the further development of new product combinations, as it encourages manufacturers to consider new material combinations that may not be suitable for testing with conventional physical textile tests, for example, but whose thermal properties can be evaluated. This part of ISO 23537 considers important aspects of the physical and performance properties of sleeping bags. The thermal properties are covered by ISO 23537-1. This part of ISO 23537 specifies the fabric and material properties as well as provisions for labelling of adult sized sleeping bags for use in sports and leisure time activities. Thermal and dimensional requirements are specified in ISO 23537-1. This part of ISO 23537 does not apply to sleeping bags intended for specific purpose such as military use and extreme climate zone expedition. It does not apply to sleeping bags for children or babies. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 112-02-03 AA "Schlafsäcke" ("Sleeping bags") at DIN Standards Committee Sports Equipment (NASport).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13537:2012-08 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 23537-2:2023-11 .

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