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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 21549-5:2016-09

Health informatics - Patient healthcard data - Part 5: Identification data (ISO 21549-5:2015); English version EN ISO 21549-5:2016

German title
Medizinische Informatik - Patientendaten auf Karten im Gesundheitswesen - Teil 5: Identifikationsdaten (ISO 21549-5:2015); Englische Fassung EN ISO 21549-5:2016
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This part of DIN EN ISO 21549 describes and defines the basic structure of the identification data objects held on healthcare data cards, but does not specify particular data sets for storage on devices. The detailed functions and mechanisms of the following services are not within the scope of this part of DIN EN ISO 21549 (although its structures can accommodate suitable data objects elsewhere specified): - security functions and related services that are likely to be specified by users for data cards depending on their specific application, such as confidentiality protection, data integrity protection and authentication of persons and devices related to these functions; - access control services; - the initialization and issuing process (which begins the operating lifetime of an individual data card, and by which the data card is prepared for the data to be subsequently communicated to it according to this part of ISO 21549). The standard differs from DIN EN ISO 21549-5:2008 08 as follows: a) Subclause 5.2, Table 1: condition of Sex optionality is added; b) Subclause 5.2, Table 1: optionality of National representation of the name is corrected to match ASN.1 definition and Figure 1. This standard has been prepared by WG 4 "Security, Safety and Privacy" of Technical Committee ISO/TC 215 "Health Informatics" (secretariat: ANSI, USA), in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 251 "Medical Informatics" (secretariat: NEN, Netherlands). The responsible national standardization committee is Working Committee NA 063-07-04 AA "Sicherheit" ("Security") at FB 7 "Health Informatics" at DIN Standards Committee Medicine (NAMed).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 21549-5:2008-08 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 21549-5:2024-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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