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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 16841:2014-07

Steel wire ropes - Pulling eyes for rope installation - Types and minimum requirements (ISO 16841:2014); German version EN ISO 16841:2014

German title
Stahldrahtseile - Einziehösen für die Seilmontage - Formen und Mindestanforderungen (ISO 16841:2014); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 16841:2014
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This standard was developed in response to a worldwide demand for a standard identifying the different types of pulling eyes which are used to facilitate the installing and re-reeving of ropes on a machine. Such pulling eyes, sometimes referred to as beckets, are often used when another rope is required to pull the new rope into place. The standard specifies different types of pulling eyes prepared at, or attached to, a steel wire rope end for connection to another rope when installing a new rope or re-reeving an existing rope on a machine. Furthermore, it specifies the minimum requirements for pulling eyes, including geometry, strength, maximum line pull to which the pulling eyes is intended to be subjected and information to be provided by the manufacturer. The pulling eyes covered by this standard are not intended to be subjected to a load during maintenance work at the machine. The standard applies to those pulling eyes prepared at, or attached to, ends of steel wire ropes conforming to ISO 2408 and ISO 10425. The standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 105 "Steel wire ropes" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 168 "Chains, ropes, webbing, slings and accessories", the secretariat of which is held by BSI. The responsible German body involved in its preparation is Working Committee NA 099-00-04 "Drahtseile, Seil-Endverbindungen und Anschlagseile" ("Wire ropes, rope terminations and wire rope slings") of the DIN Standards Committee Steel Wire and Wire Products (NAD).


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