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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 15366-2:2016-07

Nuclear fuel technology - Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and isotopic dilution analysis by solvent extraction chromatography - Part 2: Samples containing plutonium and uranium in the nanogram range and below (ISO 15366-2:2014); German version EN ISO 15366-2:2016

German title
Kernbrennstofftechnologie - Chemische Trennung und Reinigung von Uran und Plutonium in Salpetersäure-Lösungen für Isotopen- und Isotopenverdünnungsanalysen mittels Lösemittelextraktions-Chromatographie - Teil 2: Proben mit Plutonium und Uranium im Nanogrammbereich und weniger (ISO 15366-2:2014); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 15366-2:2016
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This part of ISO 15366 describes procedures to chemically separate and purify uranium and plutonium in dissolved solutions of irradiated light water reactor fuels and in samples of high active liquid waste of spent fuel reprocessing plants, prior to their isotopic analysis by, for example, mass spectrometric method (see ISO 8299[1]) or alpha spectrometry (see ISO 11483[2]). This part of ISO 15366 describes a slightly different separation technique from ISO 15366-1, based on the same chemistry, using smaller columns, different support material and special purification steps, applicable to samples containing plutonium and uranium amounts in the nanogram range and below. The detection limits were found to be 500 pg plutonium and 500 pg uranium. Annex A describes the preparation of the columns and the column support materials. In comparison with ISO 15366-1, as uranium and plutonium amounts are lowest, additional purification on an anion exchange resin is performed. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-07 FBR "Fachbereichsbeirat Kerntechnik und Strahlenschutz" ("Board of the Technical Department Nuclear technology and radiation protection") at DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing (NMP).


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