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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 14919:2015-04

Thermal spraying - Wires, rods and cords for flame and arc spraying - Classification - Technical supply conditions (ISO 14919:2015); German version EN ISO 14919:2015

German title
Thermisches Spritzen - Drähte, Stäbe und Schnüre zum Flammspritzen und Lichtbogenspritzen - Einteilung - Technische Lieferbedingungen (ISO 14919:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 14919:2015
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This document specifies requirements for classification of metal and non-metal wires (solid and cored), rods, cords processed by means of thermal spraying, especially by arc and flame spraying. This standard differs from DIN EN ISO 14919:2001-10 as follows: - Clause 2 "Normative references" has been updated, - Table 4 to Table 8 have been revised with regard to alloy components; - in Table 11 (wire diameters), diameter 4,0 mm has been deleted and diameter 2,4 mm has been added, - in Table 12 (rod diameters), diameter 7,9 mm has been deleted, - in Clause 7, the example of material designation has been modified. The European Standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 240 "Thermal spraying and thermal sprayed coatings". The responsible German standardization committee is DIN/DVS Joint Committee NA 092-00-14 AA "Thermisches Spritzen und thermisch gespritzte Schichten (DVS AG V 7)" ("Thermal spraying and thermal sprayed coatings (DVS AG V 7)") at DIN Standards Committee Welding and allied processes (NAS).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 14919:2001-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 14919:2024-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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