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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 13119:2013-02

Health informatics - Clinical knowledge resources - Metadata (ISO 13119:2012); English version EN ISO 13119:2012

German title
Medizinische Informatik - Klinische Wissensressourcen - Metadaten (ISO 13119:2012); Englische Fassung EN ISO 13119:2012
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This International Standard specifies a number of metadata elements that describe resources containing medical knowledge. It is primarily applicable to digital documents provided as web resources, accessible from databases or via file transfer, but can be applicable also to paper documents, for example, articles in medical literature. The metadata elements should: - support unambiguous and international understanding of important aspects to describe a resource, for example, purpose, issuer, intended audience, legal status and scientific background; - be applicable to different kinds of digital resources, for example, recommendations resulting from the consensus of a professional group, regulation by a governmental authority, clinical trial protocol from a pharmaceutical company, scientific manuscript from a research group, advice to patients with a specific disease, review article; - be presented to human readers including health professionals, as well as citizens/patients; - be potentially usable for automatic processing, for example, to support search engines to restrict matches to documents of a certain type or quality level. The metadata elements defined in this standard are not intended to: - describe documents about a single patient, such as medical records; - describe details of the medical content of the resource (but some idea of the content can be described via keywords or codes); - prescribe criteria for the quality of the resource content. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 063-07-03 AA "Terminologie" ("Terminology") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN CEN/TS 15699:2009-05 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 13119:2023-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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