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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 13032:2012-06

Petroleum products - Determination of low concentration of sulfur in automotive fuels - Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method (ISO 13032:2012); German version EN ISO 13032:2012

German title
Mineralölerzeugnisse - Bestimmung niedriger Schwefelgehalte in Kraftstoffen - Energiedispersives Röntgenfluoreszenzspektrometrieverfahren (ISO 13032:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 13032:2012
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This document (EN ISO 13032:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 19 "Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin", the secretariat of which is held by NEN (Netherlands) in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 28 "Petroleum products and lubricants". The responsible national committee is NA 062-06-42 AA "Prüfung von flüssigen Kraftstoffen und Heizölen" ("Testing of liquid fuels and fuel oils") at the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP). This International Standard specifies an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) test method for the determination of sulfur content in automotive gasoline containing up to 3,7 % (m/m) oxygen (including those blended with ethanol up to 10 % (V/V)), and in diesel fuels (including those containing up to about 10 % (V/V) fatty acid methylester (FAME)) having sulfur contents in the range 8 mg/kg to 50 mg/kg. Other products can be analysed and other sulfur contents can be determined according to this test method; however, no precision data for products other than automotive fuels and for results outside the range specified here have been established. For reasons of spectral overlap, this specified test method is not applicable to leaded automotive gasoline or gasoline having a content of greater than 8 mg/kg lead replacement. It is also not applicable to products and feedstock containing lead, silicon, phosphorus, calcium, potassium or halides at concentrations greater than one tenth of the concentration of sulfur measured or more than 10 mg/kg, whichever is the greater.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 13032:2024-11 .

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