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DIN EN ISO 12690:2011-04

Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Thermal spray coordination - Tasks and responsibilities (ISO 12690:2010); German version EN ISO 12690:2010

German title
Metallische und andere anorganische Überzüge - Aufsicht für das thermische Spritzen - Aufgaben und Verantwortung (ISO 12690:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 12690:2010
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The standard specifies the responsibilities and tasks to assure the quality of a coating or of coated components, including the coordination of activities related to thermal spraying. Thermal spraying coordination may be carried out by one or a number of persons within the same company or manufacturing department. The following changes have been made with respect to DIN EN 13214:2001-04: - normative references have been added to clause 2, - reference to the DIN EN ISO 14922 standard series (Quality requirements of thermally sprayed structures) has been made, - Table 1 has been transferred to normative Annex B (Essential thermal-spraying-related tasks in accordance with ISO 14922), - clause 5 (Technical knowledge), now clause 6, has been completely revised, - clause "Bibliography" has been incorporated. The European Standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 240 "Thermal spraying and thermally sprayed coatings". The responsible German standardization committee is DIN/DVS-Joint Committee NA 092-00-14 AA "Thermisches Spritzen und thermisch gespritzte Schichten (DVS AG V 7)" ("Thermal spraying and thermally sprayed coatings (DVS AG V 7)") at NAS.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13214:2001-04 .

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