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DIN EN ISO 12460-3:2016-03

Wood-based panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Part 3: Gas analysis method (ISO 12460-3:2015); German version EN ISO 12460-3:2015

German title
Holzwerkstoffe - Bestimmung der Formaldehydabgabe - Teil 3: Gasanalyse-Verfahren (ISO 12460-3:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 12460-3:2015
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This standard specifies a procedure for determination of accelerated formaldehyde release from uncoated and coated wood-based panels using the gas analysis method. The procedure is also suitable for the testing of other materials (for example edge bands, floor coverings, foams, foils, laminated wood products, veneered wood products, coated wood products). The gas analysis method is used for factory production control of the formaldehyde release of wood-based materials. A test piece of known surface area is placed in a closed chamber in which the temperature, humidity, airflow, and pressure are controlled to defined values. Formaldehyde released from the test pieces mixes with the air in the chamber. This air is continually drawn from the chamber and passes through gas wash bottles, containing water, which absorbs the released formaldehyde. At the end of the test, the formaldehyde concentration is determined photometrically or fluorimetrically. The objective of the revision of DIN EN 717-2:1995-01 is to improve the detection limit and the reproducibility of the method with regard to boards with low formaldehyde content. Compared with DIN EN 717-2:1995-01, the preparation of the test specimens was described in more detail and added that the formaldehyde determination should be carried out not later than 72 h after sampling, information on air conditioning during sampling and examination in case of dispute was included and the procedure and the evaluation of a third determination has been clarified, information for determining the moisture content has been deleted, the alternative use of smaller gas washing bottles and volumetric flasks and larger amounts of aqueous solutions to improve the sensitivity were recorded, the temperature of the water bath was raised to 60 °C and cooling procedure changed, the minimum interval for checking the calibration curve was extended to one month, the indication of age and pretreatment of the sample in the test report was added and the calibration curve was modified. By applying a parallel enquiry at ISO and CEN according to the Vienna Agreement, the specifications of EN 717-2 and ISO 12460-3 are combined in prEN ISO 12460-3. The responsible committee is NA 042-02-15 AA "Holzwerkstoffe - Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 112 und ISO/TC 89" ("Wood-based panels - Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 112 and ISO/TC 89").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 717-2 Berichtigung 1:2003-06 , DIN EN 717-2:1995-01 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 12460-3:2021-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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