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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 10734:2016-10

Footwear - Test method for slide fasteners - Strength of slide fastener pullers (ISO 10734:2016); German version EN ISO 10734:2016

German title
Schuhe - Prüfverfahren für Reißverschlüsse - Festigkeit der Reißverschluss-Schiebergriffe (ISO 10734:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 10734:2016
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This standard specifies a test method intended to assess the strength of slide fastener pullers for footwear. The method is applicable to all types of footwear slide fastener. The slider and puller of a zipper to be tested are clamped so that the puller is at right angles to the slider body. The following procedures are described in this standard: Procedure 1: Tensile stress - The force required to pull the puller from the slider in a direction parallel to the centerline of the puller in the longitudinal direction is measured. Method 2: Torsional stress - The torque required to rotate the puller off the slider about the centerline of the puller in the longitudinal direction is measured. The test standard is intended for shoe manufacturers, manufacturers of zippers, trading companies and testing laboratories. The committee NA 062-10-11 AA "Schuhe" ("Footwear") at DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing (NMP) is responsible for this standard.

61.040, 61.060

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