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DIN EN ISO 10360-5:2011-01

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - Part 5: CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems (ISO 10360-5:2010); German version EN ISO 10360-5:2010

German title
Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - Annahmeprüfung und Bestätigungsprüfung für Koordinatenmessgeräte (KMG) - Teil 5: Prüfung der Antastabweichungen von KMG mit berührendem Messkopfsystem (ISO 10360-5:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 10360-5:2010
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This part of DIN EN ISO 10360 specifies acceptance and periodic reverification tests of CMM performance with contacting probing systems and is only applicable to CMMs using any type of contacting probing system, a discrete point probing mode, and spherical or hemispherical stylus tip(s). It complements DIN EN ISO 10360-7 for CMMs with video probing systems, and ISO 10360-2, which is universal, that means not probe-type specific. It is the CMM probing performance tests which are specified by the maximum permissible errors (MPEs), due to the impracticality of isolating the performance of the probing system from that of the CMM, even on a small artefact such as a test sphere. This part of DIN EN ISO 10360 is used for single-stylus probing systems, multi-stylus probing systems with fixed multiple styli attached to a single probe (for example, "star" stylus), multiple probing systems with a stylus for each of their probes, systems with articulating probing, stylus and probe changing systems, or manual (non-driven) CMMs. This part of DIN EN ISO 10360 is not applicable to non-contacting probing systems, which require different testing procedures. The terms "multi-stylus size error", and so on, should strictly be written "combined CMM and multi-stylus probing system size error", and so on. For convenience, the wording has been truncated, to avoid any ambiguity. If it is desired to isolate the probing-system performance as far as is practical, the influence of the CMM can be minimized. See Annex C for more information. Potential users of this generic standard are manufacturers and operators of CMMs in all industrial sectors, where CMMs are used (for example, the motor vehicle industry). In particular, the standard deals with safety aspects. Clause 3 of this part of ISO 10360 contains eight definitions, 3.6 to 3.13, which replace 14 similar definitions of clause 9 of ISO 10360-1. Some of these changed definitions are required to avoid ambiguities which would otherwise have been introduced with this edition of ISO 10360-5. Others effectively supersede identical definitions in ISO 10360-1, because the symbols used have been revised and expanded for clarification. The superseded definitions are 9.3, 9.4 and 9.15 to 9.26. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 152-03-02-12 UA "Koordinatenmesstechnik (GMA 3.31)" ("Coordinate Metrology (GMA 3.31)") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 10360-5:2001-03 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 10360-5:2020-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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