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DIN EN ISO 10275:2014-08

Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent (ISO 10275:2007); German version EN ISO 10275:2014

German title
Metallische Werkstoffe - Blech und Band - Bestimmung des Verfestigungsexponenten im Zugversuch (ISO 10275:2007); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 10275:2014
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This International Standard specifies a method for determining the tensile strain hardening exponent n of flat products (sheet and strip) made of metallic materials. The method is valid only for that part of the stress-strain curve in the plastic range where the curve is continuous and monotonic (see 7.4). In the case of materials with a serrated stress-strain curve in the work hardening range (materials which show the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect, for example AlMg-alloys) the automatic determination (linear regression of the logarithm true stress vs. the logarithm true plastic strain, see 7.7) should be used to give reproducible results. This document (EN ISO 10275:2013) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 164 "Mechanical testing of metals", Subcommittee 1 "Unaxial testing" (secretariat: AFNOR, France) and adopted without any modifications as EN ISO 10275 by ECISS/TC 101 "Test methods for steel (other than chemical analysis)" (secretariat: AFNOR). The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 062-01-42 AA "Zug- und Duktilitätsprüfung für Metalle" ("Tensile and ductility testing of metals") at the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP) at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN ISO 10275:2009-06 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 10275:2020-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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