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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62813:2015-09

Lithium ion capacitors for use in electric and electronic equipment - Test methods for electrical characteristics (IEC 62813:2015); German version EN 62813:2015

German title
Lithium-Ionen-Kondensatoren zur Verwendung in elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten - Prüfverfahren für die elektrischen Kennwerte (IEC 62813:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN 62813:2015
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This standard describes the procedures for testing the electrical characteristics of capacitance, internal resistance, discharge accumulated electric energy, and voltage maintenance rate of lithium ion capacitors (LICs) for use in electrical and electronic equipment. The Terms chapter defines the terms applicable to the application of this document. Chapter 4 describes procedures for checking the electrical characteristic values. Unless otherwise specified in the design specification, all tests shall be carried out in a normal climate for tests in accordance with IEC 60068-1 with values for temperature 15 °C to 35 °C, for relative humidity 25 % to 75 % and for air pressure 86 kPa to 106 kPa. Unless otherwise specified in the design specification, the lithium-ion capacitor shall be charged for 30 minutes with a constant current and constant voltage supply set to the rated voltage and then discharged to the lower limit voltage using a suitable discharge device. The test equipment shall enable constant current charging, constant voltage charging and constant current discharge at the specified current and continuous measurement of current and voltage at specified measurement intervals. The chapter Calculation is dedicated to the calculation of capacity and discharge accumulated electric energy, the calculation of internal resistance and the calculation of the voltage maintenance rate. The informative Annex A describes the endurance test with continuously applied rated voltage at high temperature to determine the rated voltage. The informative Annex B contains the calculation of the measuring currents taking into account the error propagation during the measurement and the measuring currents. The informative Annex C contains a method for determining the measuring current for a lithium ion capacitor with unknown internal nominal resistance. The responsible committee is DKE/K 611 "Kondensatoren" ("Condensers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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