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DIN EN 62777:2016-11

Quality evaluation method for the sound field of directional loudspeaker array systems (IEC 62777:2016); German version EN 62777:2016

German title
Methode zur Ermittlung der Qualität des Schallfeldes von Systemen aus Richtlautsprechergruppen (IEC 62777:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN 62777:2016
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Systems consisting of groups of directional speakers produce focused sound to allow one person alone to hear without disturbing others. Such a system is useful for users who want to hear sound without earphones or headphones. Such a system would be used extensively in consumer electronics, for example, smartphones, tablets, televisions, computers, navigation devices, and game consoles. Possible application environments include fitness clubs, showrooms, museums, shopping malls, and so on. A simple and easy-to-use concept is needed to capture the characteristics of the system from directional loudspeaker groups from the user's point of view. It should provide the user with listening room criteria tailored to the user when the user wants to compare the sound field quality of products using systems from directional loudspeaker groups. It is important to define the method for determining the quality of the individual listening area as well as the concept of the individual listening area. This document gives guidelines for general test methods applicable to the system with directional loudspeaker groups. The responsible committee is DKE/UK 742.5 "Lautsprecher" ("Loudspeakers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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