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DIN EN 62674-1:2013-06

High frequency inductive components - Part 1: Fixed surface mount inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment (IEC 62674-1:2012); German version EN 62674-1:2012

German title
Induktive Hochfrequenzbauelemente - Teil 1: Oberflächenmontierbare Festinduktivität für den Einsatz in Elektronik und Telekommunikationsgeräten (IEC 62674-1:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN 62674-1:2012
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This part of DIN EN 62674 contains specifications for fixed surface mount inductors and ferrite beads. It unifies the designation of fixed surface mount inductors by a sequence of 12 characters, establishes a classification for fixed surface mount inductors and ferrite beads on the basis of their shape and presents the possible dimensions for each individual classification in the form of tables. Moreover, the preferred values for nominal inductances and impedances, and possible operating temperature ranges are described. This International Standard also includes recommendations for component marking. In addition, it specifies test and performance requirements. In this framework, common methods for measuring inductance and quality are presented. The responsible committee is DKE/K 625 "Magnetische Bauelemente und deren Komponenten" ("Magnetic components and their parts") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

17.220.20, 29.100.10

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