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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62467-1:2016-09

Medical electrical equipment - Dosimetric instruments as used in brachytherapy - Part 1: Instruments based on well-type ionization chambers (IEC 62467-1:2009); German version EN 62467-1:2015

German title
Medizinische elektrische Geräte - Dosimetriegeräte zur Anwendung in der Brachytherapie - Teil 1: Messgeräte mit Schachtionisationskammern (IEC 62467-1:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN 62467-1:2015
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The International Standard has been prepared in IEC/SC 62C "Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry". This standard specifies the performance requirements and some associated design requirements for well-type ionization chambers and associated measuring equipment intended for the determination of a dose quantity, such as air kerma or reference air kerma (power) in photon radiation fields or absorbed dose to water at a specified distance in photon or beta radiation fields in brachytherapy applications, after appropriate type-specific calibration of a radiation source. The standard addresses the techniques for quantitative determination of the dose magnitude appropriate for the brachytherapy radiation source under consideration. This quantity may be AIR KERMA STRENGTH or REFERENCE AIR KERMA RATE or ABSORBED DOSE TO WATER at a particular depth (2 mm or 10 mm). Measurement of these quantities may be accomplished by a variety of WELL-TYPE IONIZATION CHAMBERS or systems currently available for this purpose. This standard applies to products intended for low dose rate, high dose rate, intravascular, both photon and beta, BRACHYTHERAPY measurements. It does not apply to instruments for nuclear medicine applications. The application of the standard is limited to instruments that incorporate WELLTYPE IONIZATION CHAMBERS as detectors. This standard is not concerned with the safety aspects of WELL-TYPE CHAMBER SYSTEMS. The WELL-TYPE CHAMBER SYSTEMS covered by this standard are not intended for use in patient environment. The electrical safety of WELL-TYPE CHAMBER SYSTEMS is covered in IEC 61010-1. The operation of the electrometer measuring system shall comply with IEC 60731:1997. The standard has been prepared at Joint Committee NAR-DKE NA 080-00-01 AA "Dosimetrie" ("Dosimetry") of DIN Standards Committee Radiology (NAR).


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