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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62458:2011-07

Sound system equipment - Electroacoustical transducers - Measurement of large signal parameters (IEC 62458:2010); German version EN 62458:2011

German title
Elektroakustische Geräte - Elektroakustische Wandler - Messung von Großsignal-Parametern (IEC 62458:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN 62458:2011
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This International Standard applies to electoacoustical transducers such as loudspeaker drive units, loudspeaker systems, headphones, micro-speakers, shakers and other actuators using either an electro-dynamical or electro-magnetic motor coupled with a mechanical suspension. Electro-mechanical-acoustical transducers such as loudspeaker drive units, loudspeaker systems, headphones, micro-speakers, shakers, and other actuators behave in a nonlinear manner at higher amplitudes. This limits the acoustical output and generates nonlinear signal distortion. Linear models fail in describing the large signal behaviour of such transducers. Extended models have been developed which consider dominant nonlinearities in the motor and suspension. The free parameters of the large signal model have to be measured on the particular transducer by using static or dynamic methods. The large signal behaviour of the transducer is modelled by a lumped parameter model considering dominant nonlinearities such as force factor, stiffness and inductance. The standard defines the basic terms and parameters of the model; the methods of measurement and the way the results should be reported. The responsible Committee is UK 742.5 "Lautsprecher" ("Loudspeakers") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Informational Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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