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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62361-2:2014-08

Power systems management and associated information exchange - Interoperability in the long term - Part 2: End to end quality codes for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) (IEC 62361-2:2013); English version EN 62361-2:2013

German title
Management von Systemen der Energietechnik und zugehöriger Datenaustausch - Langfristige Interoperabilität - Teil 2: "End-to-end"-Qualitäts-Codes für SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) (IEC 62361-2:2013); Englische Fassung EN 62361-2:2013
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Original language
The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document DIN IEC 62361-101:2014-02 , for which no replacement is available.

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Publication date
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The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document DIN IEC 62361-101:2014-02 , for which no replacement is available.

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This part of IEC 62361 documents the quality codes used by existing IEC/TC 57 standards related to SCADA. Meter reading quality coding is not considered to be in the scope of this version of the document. It determines and documents mapping between these standards. Eventual loss of quality information that might occur in mapping is documented. A cohesive and common list of quality codes with semantics is defined. The identified standards to be dealt with in this document are: IEC 60870-5, IEC 60870-6 TASE.2, IEC 61850, IEC 61970, DAIS DA, OPC DA and OPC UA. Data covered by this part of IEC 62361 is specifications provided by the following links, applications or interfaces: RTU, 61850 or OPC DA links to SCADA, validation added by state estimation, TASE.2 (ICCP) or TASE.1 (ELCOM) links between control centers, servers, for example SCADA, that provide OPC or DAIS DA-data. The responsible committee is DKE/K 952 "Netzleittechnik" ("Power system control") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

33.040.40, 33.200, 35.110

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