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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62343-4-1:2017-02

Dynamic modules - Part 4-1: Software and hardware interface - 1 x 9 wavelength selective switch (IEC 62343-4-1:2016); German version EN 62343-4-1:2016

German title
Dynamische Module - Teil 4-1: Software- und Hardware-Schnittstelle - 1 x 9 wellenlängenselektiver Schalter (IEC 62343-4-1:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN 62343-4-1:2016
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A wavelength selective switch (WSS) is a dynamic module mainly used in reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) systems to switch all wavelength signals to their respective necessary output ports in DWDM networks. The WSS module has one input port and a variety of output ports (for example 1xN WSS) and can be used in reverse, with N input ports and one output port, depending on its application. It is electrically controlled by software that routes each wavelength signal of a DWDM input signal, from an input port to the output signal required for that wavelength. This part of IEC 62343 describes and provides specifications for a software and hardware interface for the 1×9 wavelength selective switch. These switches can be controlled by resident firmware with this interface. This standard addresses the configuration and function to control a WSS. This interface is intended to enable a user or host to retrieve the switch status and/or adjust relevant switch and attenuation settings. The responsible committee is DKE/UK 412.2 "Komponenten für Kommunikationskabelanlagen" ("Components for communication cabling systems") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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