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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62333-3:2010-09

Noise suppression sheet for digital devices and equipment - Part 3: Characterization of parameters of noise suppression sheet (IEC 62333-3:2010); German version EN 62333-3:2010

German title
Rauschunterdrückungsschicht für digitale Geräte und Einrichtungen - Teil 3: Eigenschaften von Parametern der Rauschunterdrückungsschicht (IEC 62333-3:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN 62333-3:2010
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This part of IEC 62333 deals with the characterisation of parameters for an electromagnetic noise suppression sheet (NSS) for digital devices and equipment used a frequency range between 30 MHz and 30 GHz. A noise suppression sheet suppresses noise at the source, rather than absorbing noise at a distance. Therefore NSS is distinguished from radio frequency wave absorbers used in free space. The standard contains guidance for the uniform presentation of the properties of noise suppression sheet, intended for use in manufacturers and users technical data. Therefore the standard provides manufacturers and test laboratories with security regarding the specification of the test and serves as a reference for quality assurance. The standards IEC 62333-1 and IEC 62333-2 as well as the test standards of the 60068 series are referred to. The responsible Committee is K 625 "Magnetische Bauelemente und deren Komponenten" ("Magnetic construction elements and their components") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Informational Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

29.100.10, 33.160.01

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