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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 61514-2:2014-06

Industrial process control systems - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance of intelligent valve positioners with pneumatic outputs mounted on an actuator valve assembly (IEC 61514-2:2013); German version EN 61514-2:2013

German title
Systeme der industriellen Prozessleittechnik - Teil 2: Verfahren zur Bewertung des Betriebsverhaltens von intelligenten Ventilstellungsreglern mit pneumatischem Ausgang, die an Ventil-Stellantrieben montiert sind (IEC 61514-2:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN 61514-2:2013
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This International Standard defines design reviews and tests intended to measure and determine the static and dynamic performance, the degree of intelligence and the communication capabilities of single-acting or double-acting intelligent valve positioners. The tests may be applied to positioners that receive standard analogue electrical input signals (as specified in IEC 60381) and/or digital signals via a data communication link and have a pneumatic output. An intelligent valve positioner as defined in Clause 3 is an instrument that uses for performing its functions digital techniques for data processing, processing of internal logic (decision-making) and bi-directional communication. It may be equipped with additional sensors or additional functionality supporting the main function. The performance testing of an intelligent valve positioner shall be conducted with the positioner mounted on and connected to the actuator/valve assembly the positioner is to be used on. The specific characteristic parameters of these combinations such as size, stroke, friction (hysteresis), type of packing, spring package and supply pressure for the pneumatic part, shall be carefully chosen and reported, since the operating behavior of a positioner is greatly dependent on the used actuator. The methods of evaluation given in this standard are intended for testing laboratories to verify equipment performance specifications. The manufacturers of intelligent positioners are urged to apply this standard at an early stage of development. This standard is intended to provide guidance for designing evaluations of intelligent valve positioners by providing - a checklist for reviewing their hardware and software design in a structured way, - test methods for measuring and qualifying their performance under various environmental and operational conditions, - methods for reporting the data obtained. When a full evaluation, in accordance with this standard, is not required or possible, the tests which are required should be performed and the results should be reported in accordance with the relevant parts of this standard. In such cases, the test report shall state that it does not cover the full number of tests specified herein. Furthermore, the test items omitted should be mentioned, to give the reader of the report a clear overview. This standard is also applicable for "non-intelligent" microprocessor-based valve positioners without means for bi-directional communication. In that case an evaluation should be reduced to a limited programme of performance testing and a short review of the construction. With the new edition of IEC 61514-2:2013, the first edition of this standard from 2004 has been improved in a practice-oriented manner. This is immediately recognisable even in the title: Whereas the first edition had the title "Methods of evaluating the performance of intelligent valve positioners with pneumatic outputs", the supplement "mounted on an actuator valve assembly" was added. The now completed revision focuses on the practical use of the positioner in interaction with actuator assemblies and valves, whereas the first edition selected a more theoretical approach where each positioner was considered a single component. With the revision, an improved option shall be given to test laboratories and customers in order to determine the performance of positioners for particular combinations of actuator assemblies and valves and to allow for comparison. This aim has also been realized during the revision of the included checklists by updating the questions with regard to their practical relevance. The responsible body is DKE/K 963 "Stellgeräte für strömende Stoffe" ("Actuators with flowing substances") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

23.060.40, 25.040.40
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 61514-2:2004-11 .

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