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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 60917-2-5:2013-04

Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-5: Sectional specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Cabinet interface dimensions for miscellaneous equipment (IEC 60917-2-5:2012); German version EN 60917-2-5:2012

German title
Modulordnung für die Entwicklung von Bauweisen für elektronische Einrichtungen - Teil 2-5: Strukturnorm - Schnittstellen-Koordinationsmaße für die 25-mm-Bauweise - Schrank-Schnittstellenmaße für sonstige Einrichtungen (IEC 60917-2-5:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN 60917-2-5:2012
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This standard series applies to frame-based cabinets and specifies the interface dimensions for the installation of miscellaneous equipment. Modularity of the frame-based structure supports shipment in the form of kits in order to maximize logistics efficiency and to minimize costs. Unlike the existing standards IEC 60917-2-1 and IEC 60297-3-100, this standard allows cover parts like top covers and front/rear doors to exceed the cabinet's external coordination dimensions. Legacy cabinets complying with IEC 60917-2-1 and IEC 60297-3-100 may be considered in conjunction with cabinets of IEC 60917-2-5 without significant technical modifications due to the fact that all follow the same coordination dimensions. Whilst the internal mounting points for mounting standardized equipment are defined in IEC 60297-3-100 and IEC 60917-2-1 in case of IEC 60917-2-5 additional mounting planes and mounting points are defined to be used for attaching miscellaneous equipment or accessories. The responsible committee is DKE/K 662 "Bauweisen" ("Structures") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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