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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 60728-7-3:2010-03

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7-3: Hybrid fibre coax outside plant status monitoring - Power supply to transponder interface bus (PSTIB) (IEC 60728-7-3:2009); English version EN 60728-7-3:2009

German title
Kabelnetze für Fernsehsignale, Tonsignale und interaktive Dienste - Teil 7-3: Zustandsüberwachung Hybrid-Faser-Koax-Netze (HFC) - Schnittstellenbus von Fernspeise-Stromversorgung zu Transponder (PSTIB) (IEC 60728-7-3:2009); Englische Fassung EN 60728-7-3:2009
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This standard is part of the IEC 60728 series. It deals with cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services. These include broadband cable networks, master antenna television and television receive only equipment and any equipment, but not their terminal equipment. The parts IEC 60728-7-1, -2 and -3 specify requirements for monitoring the status of the network elements of Hybrid Fibre Coax outside plants (HFC). The purpose of this standard is to support the design and implementation of interoperable management systems. IEC 60728-7-3 specifies requirements and protocols for the physical and data link layers of power supply to transponder interface bus (or similar devices). With respect to the first edition of IEC 60728-7-3:2003-10 Clause 7 "Alternative power supply to transponder interface bus - Physical layer specification" has been completely revised. At DIN and VDE the responsible Committee is K 735 "Kabelnetze und Antennen für Fernsehsignale, Tonsignale und interaktive Dienste" ("Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services") of the DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 60728-7-3:2005-08 .

Cooperation at DIN

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