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DIN EN 60286-4:2014-04

Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 4: Stick magazines for electronic components encapsulated in packages of different forms (IEC 60286-4:2013); German version EN 60286-4:2013

German title
Gurtung und Magazinierung von Bauelementen für automatische Verarbeitung - Teil 4: Stangenmagazine für elektronische Bauelemente mit verschiedenen Gehäusen (IEC 60286-4:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN 60286-4:2013
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This part of IEC 60286 is applicable to stick magazines (including end stoppers) intended to be used for storage of electronic components, for transport from the manufacturer to the customer and for in-house use in the manufacturing plant. They are also used to feed automatic placement machines for surface mounting as well as for through-hole mounting of electronic components. A stick magazine is an elongated container which has an appropriate cross section designed to accommodate devices. Examples of typical and customer-specific cross-sections of stick magazines are shown hereafter. Internal stick magazine configuration shall be such that the individual component is protected from damage, maintains a fixed orientation and slides freely when one end is elevated at a minimum angle of 30°. As magazine material over time is changing, the level of elevation of 30° may not be sufficient for free sliding of components. In this case, to allow proper transition of the component from the magazine to a horizontal surface, the level of elevation should be kept to a minimum. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clause 4 contains the guidelines for customer specific stick magazine design; it replaces the magazine design rules for IEC outlined components and rules for orientation of components in stick magazines which have been moved to Annexes A to D. The responsible committee is DKE/K 682 "Montageverfahren für elektronische Baugruppen" ("Electronics assembly technology") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

31.020, 55.060
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 60286-4:1998-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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