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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 60118-0:2016-09

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids (IEC 60118-0:2015); German version EN 60118-0:2015

German title
Akustik - Hörgeräte - Teil 0: Messung der Leistungsmerkmale von Hörgeräten (IEC 60118-0:2015); Deutsche Fassung EN 60118-0:2015
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The standard gives recommendations for the measurement of the performance characteristics of air conduction hearing aids based on a free field technique and measured with an acoustic coupler. The measurement procedures are selected to be practical and reproducible; consequently, they are based on selected parameters, arbitrarily determined to a certain extent. This should be taken into account when making comparisons between test results for different hearing aid models and hearing aids from different manufacturers. Compared to the predecessor standard DIN EN 60118-0:1994-04, the following significant changes have been made: - An acoustic coupler according to IEC 60318-5 (DIN EN 60318-5:2007-04) is used instead of the ear simulator according to IEC 60318-4 (DIN EN 60318-4:2010-12). - The average of 1,0 kHz, 1,6 kHz and 2,5 kHz is used instead of a single reference frequency at 1,6 kHz or 2,6 kHz. - A telephone magnetic field simulator has been introduced. The responsible committee is DKE/GUK 821.6 "Hörgeräte und audiometrische Messtechnik" ("Hearing aids and audiometric measurements") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

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